Django ORM - call queryset update() in json field when the key to update is not present
I learnt today that this is not possible with the Django ORM to call update in a queryset json field when the key that you want to update is not present. For example:
This will return FieldDoesNotExist: ModelClass has no field named 'json_data__key'
because some objects does not have the key “key”.
I found in this stackoverflow post a great solution for this.
from django.db.models.expressions import Func
class JsonSetValue(Func):
function = "jsonb_set"
template = "%(function)s(%(expressions)s, '{\"%(keyname)s\"}','\"%(new_value)s\"', %(create_missing)s)"
arity = 1
def __init__(
expression: str,
keyname: str,
new_value: str,
create_missing: bool = False,
create_missing="true" if create_missing else "false",
With help of JsonSetValue
you will be able to do the following:
The goal:
Sync some model fields between two different models.
Example scenario:
class PlayerData(models.Model):
goals = models.IntegerField()
assists = models.IntegerField()
tackles = models.IntegerField()
# 10 fields more with player data
class PlayerMostRelevantData(models.Model):
player_data_id = models.ForeignKey(PlayerData, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
goals = models.IntegerField()
assists = models.IntegerField()
We want to keep the data of PlayerData
and PlayerMostRelevantData
on sync by every create, update and object deletion.
Possible solutions:
Of course for this task we could use django signals but a more reliable solution would be to make the data synchronisation at database level using Postgres triggers.
Following SQL-Snippet explain what we want to achieve. If you run the statements you will see that inserting a new row in the table called "original" will create a new row with the same content in the table "original_copy".
drop table if exists original;
create table original(id int, name text);
drop table if exists original_copy;
create table original_copy(original_id int PRIMARY KEY, name text);
create or replace function trigger_on_example()
returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
insert into original_copy (original_id, name)
ON CONFLICT (original_id)
UPDATE SET name =;
return new;
create trigger trigger_on_example
before insert or update on original
for each row execute procedure trigger_on_example();
insert into original (id, name)
values (1, 'John');
select *
from original;
select *
from original_copy;
The solution
For our example with the PlayerData
and PlayerMostRelevantData
we can write a django migration like this that creates the Postgres triggers for us in the database.
from django.db import connection, migrations
def create_triggers(apps, schema_editor):
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# player data create or update trigger
create or replace function trigger_on_player_data_create_or_update()
returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
insert into players_playerdata(player_data_id, goals, assists, tackles)
values(, new.goals, new.assists, new.tackles)
ON CONFLICT (player_data_id)
UPDATE SET player_data_id =, goals = new.goals,
assists = new.assists;
return new;
create trigger trigger_on_player_data_create_or_update
before insert or update on players_playerdata
for each row execute procedure trigger_on_player_data_create_or_update();
# player data delete trigger
create or replace function trigger_on_player_data_delete()
returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
delete from players_playermostrelevantdata where;
return NULL;
create trigger trigger_on_player_data_delete
before delete on players_playerdata
for each row execute procedure trigger_on_player_data_delete();
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("players", "0001_initial"),
operations = [migrations.RunPython(create_triggers, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop)]
Sources and inspiration:
I didn't wanted to use Google Analytics or similar tools to track the traffic of my side projects because: a) I don't need that much details about my views and b) I don't want to have a cookie consent dialog for asking for permission to forward user related data to a 3rd party service.
Because of that I use a self made and hosted service for tracking basic web traffic analytics stuff: basic_analytics.
It is made with Django, Bootstrap and chart.js and provides an API endpoint where you can send the page view data as payload.
With that data it can generate different charts that show:
Update February 2022
In order to send data to Basic Analytics from the backend I created a Django app called django_basic_analytics_tracker.
It provides a mixin that you can use in the views that you want to track. It overrides the dispatch
method, take some request data and sends it to basic analytics service in the post payload.